~*~ I CAN NOT HEAR ~*~

I can not hear the gentle winds whisper
Though I can see the evergreens sway.
I can not hear the children laughing
But I joyfully watch them play.
I can not hear the songbirds sing
But I can see them flying free.
I can not hear the moans of pain
But a grimaced face I can see.
I can not hear the distant thunder claps Until they are nearly overhead. But I can see the lightning flashes
Mixed within a sky of purple and red.
I can not tell a violin from a harp
But I feel the drums vibrate their beat.
I can not hear sweet whispers in my ear
But I can feel tender kisses sweet.
I can not hear the sounds of many things.
But indeed, this much I know. I can see and I can feel the love,
That friends and family show.
So I hope this little poem helps you To understand those who can not hear.
That sometimes we get lost in our world.
But your love and understanding, Will show through loud and clear.

My Personal Story
I personally relate to this poem I wrote, for I have had a 55-60% hearing loss since birth. Hearing aides are of little use to me. I have tried many different kinds since I am fourteen years old. It would depend on how close the sounds were, all the background noises, and the sound itself.
I have a difficult time understanding words, especially words that sound simular, or if a person has an accent, or talks to fast.
It is to say the least, a very difficult life for hard of hearing people.
Many children and adults don't understand people with hearing loss. I couldn't relate to people, because I couldn't hear much of what they were saying, or if more then one person were talking at the same time to be able to carry on a conversation.
*I am totally lost at a movie, or listening to a radio, or even TV, unless they have CC (closed caption).
I use a special phone "Caption Call" for hearing impaired, and to a degree I can read lips.
My husband Joe and our two loveable dogs, Rags and Susie are my ears. And believe me, Rags and Susie see everything moving and hear every noise. They do not stop barking till we check everything out. I suppose because of my age (78), my hearing has worsened, and I am one decibel away from being in the profound deafness group.
*Some of the most wonderful times I have experienced, is being right here with each of you.
Writing and sending emails/jokes/funnies, and Christian faith sites that I can read.
I have become more open, and released more of my thoughts and feelings here. I have the freedom to be myself, and I thank YOU.
Watch this video made in Toronto,Canada. Deaf waiters/waitresses using sign language to communicate with deaf customers. It is written in closed caption for easier reading.
Written 1986 - Revised 2015 Content copyrights - 1972/2020
All rights reserved. This content written by ©Barbara L. Chambers Carter. If you wish to use this content you need written permission. Contact Bluejay12blc@gmail.com
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